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Jeffrey Kidder

Record Type: Person

Title: Director of Education

Institution: Black Rock Forest Consortium

Biography: Jeff received his Ph.D. in Zoology, with a major concentration in developmental biology and minor concentrations in reproductive physiology and animal science, from Cornell University in 1998. He also holds an M.S. in wildlife science from Cornell. Prior to pursuing his doctorate, Jeff was a high school biology teacher. For the past decade, Jeff has focused his academic career on providing science outreach programs for secondary and elementary school audiences from university settings, first at Rutgers University’s Newark campus, where he served as an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Education and the director of science outreach, and subsequently at the University of Colorado’s Boulder campus, where he served as an assistant professor in the department of ecology and environmental biology and the executive director of Science Discovery, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to science education. In these roles, Jeff developed expertise involving science faculty and graduate and college students in K-12 education, securing $8 million in science education grants from the National Science Foundation over a 12-year period at Rutgers and the University of Colorado.

Roles: Black Rock Forest Staff

Keyword: Biology